Right now, new movie tickets cost about $9 for an adult. If you hit the matinees before 5, you can usually get in for $7 (and this varies depending on the area). So for a family of 3, you are spending about $21 just for tickets, to view this movie ONCE on the big screen. Let’s say you didn’t smuggle in your own drinks and snacks in your purse and actually pay at the theater for drinks and popcorn. At about $5 each for drinks and $7 for the big popcorn to share, there’s another $22. Candy is another $3 to $4 if you want to add one of those boxes of chocolate covered something-or-others. So we’re looking at $42 to $50 or so for the three of us to see this movie. Once.
I will concede that some movies are really great to see on the big screen. If you’re going to see a big budget special effects monster/robot smackdown like Pacific Rim, sure you want to see it larger than life. But let’s do some comparisons: According to Amazon.com, I can buy a home theater/movie projector that I can plug into my laptop for about $70 (free shipping!). All I need is a big white wall, sheet, or garage door now. If I want a bigger screen, I can pay more, but we can top out at about $190 and be a fair size.
Once a movie is released on DVD, you can usually pick it up right away for about $20. If you’re willing to wait a little while, you can usually get the digital download cheaper, or just pick it up for $5 - $10 once the excitement and demand has died down. Circle K will sell me a ThirstBuster for .87 cents. I can pick up a variety of soda 12 packs at the grocery store for about $3.50 or so. Snacks – heck I see the same boxed candy going for $1 to $2 at the grocery store.
Now, keep in mind that I only have to buy that movie projector ONCE. So for that first movie I’m spending about $95 for the three of us. We’ll call it an even $100. That’s TWO movies at the theater a year. However, buying a new movie and snacks ever after will be about $30 for three people, assuming I don’t have to buy drinks and snacks, because hey! My fridge and cupboards aren’t bare!
For the price of 4 movies a year at the theater (for just three people, about $200), I would probably watch 8 at home – and the cost wouldn’t go up if more folks wanted to come over and watch with me. And I could pause the damn thing for bathroom breaks whenever I want and not miss a single minute that I’ve paid for, like I do if It’s mid-movie in the theater. I don’t have to park. I don’t have to rush to meet movie times. I don’t have to deal with other people’s screaming children, cell phones ringing or big head in my way. I can even rewatch the movies I already have on the big screen! Heck, someone else can buy the movie and bring it over to watch.
In the mad rush to make profits off DVD sales, many movies come out on DVD within only a few months of being released at the theater – and they certainly don’t stay in the theater for that long anymore, anyway. Why am I going to the theater at all anymore?