1. You're going to be too excited to sleep.
I'm talking little kid on Christmas Eve, night before going to Disneyland, teenager getting their first car kind of sleepless excitement. This means your judgement is going to be shit for those first few house showings.
2. You'll consider living in neighborhoods you would normally be afraid to drive through.
At some point you will probably consider square footage per dollar to be more important than your family's safety. A good realtor will save you from yourself.
3.You're going to become an expert on your city.
Taxi drivers are going to ask YOU for directions, since you'll have driven down every single street in your chosen area so many times. You'll know which are the good areas, which are the bad, and where the borders are between the two.
4.You're going to over-estimate your budget and handyman skills.
You'll tell yourself it's got a lot of potential, especially once you fix that fence, window, bathroom tile, carpet, paint, and porch. And you'll probably have to replace that water heater, water softener, stove, refrigerator and washer/dryer. But it's a great deal!
5. Your free-time is gone.
Time not spent sleeping or working will be spent driving through neighborhoods to gauge the area and look for sale signs. The remainder will be spent looking up houses on the internet, and boring your friends with house talk. They may start to avoid you. One or two will start looking for themselves and you can obsess together.
6. You're going to get your heart broken.
You almost never get the first house you make an offer on. Often you'll make an offer on several different houses you've fallen in love with, only to have your hopes crushed into powder each time until you finally find the house that loves you back.
7.You'll get by with a little help from your friends.
Once they know you're in the market, you'll be amazed at the outpouring of support, advice and references from the people you know. They'll tell you about open houses, give you referrals to realtors, offer advice about neighborhoods, and if you're lucky, help you move. Take it all in, because see #1 again.