Sunday, February 4, 2018

Electric Horses

Thanks to a video on Facebook, I've learned that Harley Davidson will start producing electric motorcylces. Can we just take a moment to talk about what a big deal this is??

Electric motorcycles and scooters are already being produced by California's Zero Motorcycles and Alta Motors, and of course, Germany's BMW and Italy's Energica among others. So why is THIS proposed electric motorcycle a big deal? None of these have the brand recognition of Harley Davidson. For many people, Harley Davidson IS the definition of motorcyle, much like Roller Blade is the definition of the in-line skate. And what defines Harley Davidson motorcylces? Loud pipes.

If you've ever heard one of your neighbors start up their Harley and tear down the street, you can still hear it in your mind right now. Electric motorcycles, like electric cars, are virtually silent when running. Harley Davidson, the iconic big, bad, in your face loud motorcycles, is changing one of the the things that define them.

According to what I've read, The move is a continuation of the 2014 Livewire project and is likely inspired by the sales of HD motorcycles being down in 2017. Millenials just aren't buying Harleys, and that generation of road warriors who did is aging out. It's starting with just one model. How well it sells is going to determine the future of motorcycle riding, I guarantee it. Once Harley Davidson is on board with electric, everyone, and maybe everything, will follow. Because Harley Davidson will make electric *cool*. No longer the domain of elitists, Harley Davidson will bring electric power to the masses of the rough and grumble. Harley's high price tag usually keeps their bikes out of most folk's budget, but not their dreams. This is the type of small (and yet HUGE) step, that can redefine the imagination of a generation. Just sayin'.

I'll be watching.